. : Backupmenu Readme : .

Hello, Backupmenu user. There are a few things you might like to know about Backupmenu.
First, Backupmenu is not a standard app. It is not run inside Maemo, but inside the "pre-boot" environment.
In order to run backupmenu, you will:
If you don't want backupmenu to load, close the keyboard when booting.

Secondly, backups are stored by Backupmenu in the "systemBackups" folder in your MyDocs or SD card, depending on which you chose when making the backup.
You shouldn't have to mess with them except to delete old backups.
Backups made with Backupmenu are simply tar archives, and can be opened in any number of archive programs; you can use this to get files out of a backup if your N900 doesn't work.



BackupMenu Version 1.10 adds support for an on-device terminal/console.
This console is fully-featured, though the key layout needs work. The current layout is outlined here:
Key: lower | shift+UPPER | alt+!9234
Ctrl Esc. q Q 1 w W 2 e E 3 r R 4 t T 5 y Y 6 u U 7 i I 8 o O 9 p P 0 , ; = Bksp
Alt. a A * s S + d D # f F - g G _ h H ( j J ) k K & l L ! . : ? Up. Enter
Shift z Z | x X $ c C % v V / b B \ n N " m M " space TAB @ Left < Down Right>
Also, there's a slight problem in that once the framebuffer console(fbcon) is loaded - which allows the terminal to work - I can't figure out how to unload it.
As such, after using the terminal, any console messages(closing/opening the keyboard will produce one) will basically overwrite half the screen. As such, you'll want to reboot after using it.

For more information, visit my Wiki page.

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